Mole ( , Spanish pronunciation: Ã, ['mole] ; from Nahuatl m? Lli ," sauce ") is a traditional sauce originally used in Mexican cuisine, as well as for dishes based on sauces this. Outside Mexico, it often refers specifically to molybob . In contemporary Mexico, the term is used for a number of sauces, some quite different, including black, red/colorado, yellow, green, almendrado, de olla, huaxmole, guacamole and pipiÃÆ'¡n. Generally, mole sauce contains fruits, chili, peanuts and spices such as black pepper, cinnamon, cumin, and chocolate.
Video Mole sauce
Two states in Mexico claim to be the origin of molat mole: Puebla and Oaxaca Mol are the most famous of these two states, but other regions in Mexico also make different types of mole sauce.
Moles come in different flavors and ingredients, with chili as a common factor. However, the classic mole version is a varieties called mol poblano , which is a dark red or brown sauce served over meat. This dish has become a symbol of Mexican mestizaje culinary, or a mixed, African, and European native heritage, both for the type of material it contains and because of the legend that surrounds its origin.
The general legend of his creation took place in the Monastery of Santa Rosa in Puebla at the beginning of the colonial period. Upon hearing that the archbishop was going to visit, the convent nuns were panicked because they were poor and almost no preparation. The nuns pray and unite small pieces of what they have, including chili, spices, old bread, nuts, and a little chocolate. They killed an old turkey, cooked it, and put sauce on it; The Archbishop loves it. When one of the nuns was asked the name of the dish, he replied, "I made a mole." Mole is the ancient word for mixture; now this word mostly refers to the dish, and is rarely used to indicate other types of mixes in Spanish.
A similar version of the story says that Fray Pascual monk found the dish, once again to serve the archbishop of Puebla. In this version, the spices are smashed or blown into the pan where the chicken is cooked. Other versions of this story replace the young king of New Spain, such as Juan de Palafox y Mendoza at the archbishop's venue.
The modern mole is a mixture of ingredients from North America, Europe and Africa, making it the first international dish made in America. However, the base is native. Nahuatl speakers have a preparation they call m? Lli ( ['mo: l: i] ), meaning "sauce", or ch? lm? lli ( [t: i mo: l: i] ) for chili sauce. In the book General History of Spanish Newspapers, Bernardino de SahagÃÆ'ºn says that mollis is used in a number of dishes, including for fish, game and vegetables. The theory of the origin of a mole has supposed that it is something imposed on the indigenous people or that it is a result of baroque art from Puebla, but there is not enough evidence for a definitive answer. Incidentally or not, the word "m? Lli" seems to resemble the Portuguese word molho , which means "sauce".
While chili sauce is in pre-Hispanic Mexico, today's elaborate mole is not. They contain no chocolate, which is used as a drink, and in all SahagÃÆ'ºn's writings, it is not mentioned that it is used to flavor food. Most likely what happens is a gradual modification of the original molli sauce, adding more and different ingredients depending on the location. This variety of sauces produced into various types. Materials that have been added to the mole include nuts (such as almonds, peanuts, or pine nuts), seeds (like sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, or pumpkin seeds), coriander, seedless grapes, plantains, garlic, onions, cinnamon , and chocolate. However, most versions do not contain cinnamon or chocolate. Which remains the same is the use of chili, especially ancho, pasilla, mulato and chipotle, and the consistency of the sauce. The real story of how a mole develops may never really be known, because the first recipe did not appear until after the Mexican War of Independence in 1810. The Nahuatl origins of the name may define the origin of Mesoamerica.
Maps Mole sauce
Preparation and consumption
All the preparation of the mole begins with one or more types of chili. The classic Mexican moles of Central Mexico and Oaxaca, such as mole poblano and mole nigro, include two or more of the following chili types: ancho, pasilla, mulato, and chipotle. Other ingredients include black pepper, achiote, leucocephala, cumin, cloves, aniseed, tomatoes, tomatillos, garlic , sesame seeds, dried fruits, herbs like Piper Auritum or hoja santa , also known as hierba santa, and many other ingredients. Mole poblano has an average of 20 ingredients; mole almendrado has an average of 26, and Oaxacan mole can have more than 30. Chocolate, if used, is added at the end of cooking. According to Rick Bayless, mole materials can be grouped into five different classes: chili, tomatillo, sweet (dried fruits and sugar), spices, and thickener (nuts and tortillas).
The ingredients are roasted and ground into fine powder or paste. The roasting and grinding process is very tiring and requires at least a day to be reached by hand. Traditionally, this work was shared by several generations of women in the family, but after the arrival of the electric factory, it became more common to use materials for milling. Many families have mouse varieties passed down from generation to generation, with preparations provided for special events in large groups.
The resulting powder or pasta is mixed with water, or more often the broth, and boiled until it is spicy and very thick. It is most often prepared in cazuela ( [ka'swela] ) or heavy heavy clay pots and stirred almost always prevent burning. The thickness of the sauce has driven some, like Mexican food authority Patricia Quintana, to claim it's too big to be called sauce. However, like the sauce, it is always served on top of something and never eaten alone. Mole poblano is the most traditionally served with turkey, but and many others are also served with chicken, pork, or other meats (like lamb).
A number of powders and molasses can be prepared in advance and sold, such as mole poblano , mol negro , and mol colorado . Many markets in Mexico sell mol pastes and powders in packages or with kilograms. This mole mix is ​​heavy with a strong odor, so much so that the security agents at Mexico City airport once admitted that the mole can register positively when they check the explosives.
Ready-made mole sauce will be stored for three days in the refrigerator and will freeze well. The paste will be stored six months in the refrigerator and about a year in the freezer. The remaining sauce is often used to make tamales and enchiladas (often called enmoladas ) or more of eggs at lunch.
The term mole is most often associated with thick, dark, brownish-red sauce, but the term is actually more general than that. Moles can be anything from dark and thick to soup and bright green, with red, yellow, and black moles, each claiming fans in different areas.
Mole poblano is the most famous of all mole varieties and has been classified as the number one of "typical Mexican dishes". This is also called the "national dish" of Mexico. The state of Puebla is identified with mol poblano . Mole poblano has been described as an ancient dish.
Mole poblano contains about 20 ingredients, including chili and chocolate, which serves to neutralize hot chili, but chocolate does not dominate. This helps give the sauce a dark color, but this is also provided by mulato peppers. The sauce is most often served on turkey at weddings, birthdays and baptisms, or at Christmas with romeritos on a shrimp cake. The sauce is also served with chicken, pork, or other meats. Another time when the sauce stands out is Cinco de Mayo. Although this holiday is not much celebrated throughout Mexico, this is a great celebration in Puebla.
The state of Oaxaca is huge and very mountainous with various indigenous tribes and microclimates, making a number of regional variations in food. This country is called "the land of seven moles", is hereby given the name of the mole, ), all different colors and flavors, based on the use of typical chili and herbs. The last one, mancha manteles, is chicken and fruit soup, and although Oaxaca claims it is the seventh mole, some, like Susan Trilling in his book My Search for Seventh Mole: A Story with Recipes from Oaxaca , Mexico , the question of whether it really is a mole. In addition, people from Puebla claim this dish as their own.
The most famous of the Oaxaca moles are mole negro , which is darker than mole poblano and is just as thick and rich. It also includes chocolate, as well as chili, onion, garlic and more, but what makes it different is the addition of a plant called hoja santa . This is the most complicated and difficult sauce to make. Mole coloradito is another popular preparation, often simplified and sold as enchilada sauce. Mole verde is always made fresh with the region's original spices.
San Pedro Atocpan
Until the mid-20th century, San Pedro Atocpan, located in the southernmost mountains of Mexico City proper (but still part of the Federal District) is similar to other surrounding farming communities, growing corn, fava beans and nopales cactus prickly pear). Electricity and other modern conveniences come too late, allowing people to retain more traditions later. In 1940, Father Damian Sartes San Roman came to the parish of San Pedro Atocpan and saw the potential in marketing the product to improve living standards in the area. At that time, only four neighborhoods prepared moles for city festivals: Panchimalco, Ocotitla, Nuztla and Tula, but those who prepared them were generally the leading women in their community. In the 1940s, one family made a long trip to Mexico City to sell some of their moles at La Merced Market. It worked, but they brought with them only two pounds because it was made by hand grinding the material on metate . The arrival of electricity in the late 1940s made the use of power plants possible, and better roads made traveling to the city easier. Some of these factories were bought or financed by Father Sartes, but the mole was still cooked in clay pots over a wood fire. In the 1970s, he was part of a small group that became a cooperative, which built the Las Cazuelas restaurant. This is where the first Mole Exhibition was held in 1978.
Treatments and traditions that enter the mole from there make them popular and make the city famous in Mexico City area. Today, San Pedro Atocpan produces 60% of the mole consumed in Mexico and 89% of the mole is consumed in Mexico City, with total production estimated at between 28,000 and 30,000 tonnes annually. Ninety-two percent of the city's population makes a living by preparing powder and mole paste, all in the family business. Prices for moles ranged between 80 and 160 pesos per kilogram, depending on the manufacturer and the type. A number of moles are made in the city, but the mol almendrado (mole with almond) is a signature to the area. Producers at Atocpan have their own versions of various types of moles, often keeping secret recipes tight. Production in the city becomes very competitive, especially in quality. Twenty-two brands are allowed to print "Made in San Pedro Atocpan" on their label.
Different types of mole sauce can be found throughout central Mexico to the south. There is an amarillito mole in the southeast, the moladetadito of the Mexican Valley (as opposed to a mole of the same name in Oaxaca),
PipiÃÆ'¡n is a kind of mole, most of which consists of ground pumpkin seeds. It does not contain chocolate, but generally contains tomatillo, hoja santa, chili, garlic, and onion to give it a green color. There is also a red version, which combines pumpkin seeds with peanuts, red jalape or chipotle, and sesame seeds. Like other moles, it is cooked with broth and then served with poultry and pork, or sometimes with fish and vegetables.
Mole verde can refer to a number of different sauces that are all finished in green. Most must be made fresh and not from the mix, as they require a number of fresh herbs and other ingredients. Another version comes from Veracruz, where pork is covered in a sauce made of peanuts, tomatillo and cilantro, with the latter two giving a green sauce.
Although not a mole in the classical sense, there are some dishes that use the term in their name. Mole de olla is a soup made of beef and vegetables, which contains guajillo and ancho chiles, as well as a number of other ingredients found in moles. Huatzmole is a variation of mole sauce, which is supy and often served over goat meat ( cabrito ).
In Guatemala, a mole is a chocolate sauce made of chocolate, dried chillies, tomatoes, and pumpkin seeds. It is often poured over a fried banana, and served with sesame seeds on it.
Mole is one of the most representative dishes in Mexico, especially for big celebrations. Ninety-nine percent of Mexicans have tried at least one type of mole. This dish enjoys its greatest popularity in central and southern Mexico, but a simpler version of mol poblano does indeed make their way north. However, the northern versions are much more complex and are generally used to make enchilada.
Mole consumption is closely related to the celebration. In Mexico, to say "going to the mole" (ir a un mole) means going to a wedding. Moles have a strong flavor, especially dark ones and are regarded as a taste obtained for the most part. This has given birth to another proverb, "en su mero mole", which means something like "a cup of tea".
To promote their regional version of the sauce, a number of venues hosted a festival dedicated to him. The Feria Nacional del Mole (Mole National Festival) began in 1977 at San Pedro Atocpan, and is held annually in October. It started outside the city, in the small community of Yenhuitlalpan, in May. Four restaurants there decided to take advantage of the Festival of SeÃÆ' Â ± or de las Misericordias (Lord of the Mercies) to promote their moles. Despite their success, a number of people in the village do not like that they use religious festivals for commercial purposes, so a separate mole festival is made for October. Today, 37 restaurants and mole producers participated in the event. The most popular variety is mole almendrado . Initially, the fair October version was held in the right city, but after it became too big, it was moved to an open space prepared outside along the highway.
The city of Puebla also holds an annual mole festival, which results are divided between Santa Rosa, Santa Ina and Santa Catarina. The world record for the largest pot of moles was damaged at the city festival 2005. The pans are 1.4 meters in diameter at the base, 1.9 meters in height, with a diameter of 2.5 meters at the top. Four hundred people participated in the preparation, using 800 kilo of mol pasta, 2,500 kilos of chicken, 500 kilos of tortilla and 1,600 kilo broth. The resulting food feeds 11,000 people.
The women of Santa MarÃÆ'a Magdalena in QuerÃÆ'Â © taro have been known locally for their moles for about 100 years. In 1993, they decided to hold a contest for the best mole. This is the beginning of the Feria del Mole y Tortilla (Festival Mol and Tortilla), which has been held every year since then. It still has a cook-off mole and attracts hundreds of visitors from the country. The Coatepec de Morelos community in the municipality of ZitÃÆ'¡cuaro, MichoacÃÆ'¡n, held the annual Feria de Mole event in April.
Mole has become a popular fast food product and is widely available in the United States. Some brands of mole paste are available in the United States and can be found online. Chicago has an annual mole festival for Mexican immigrants at the Universidad Popular community center. This event is a cooking contest, which has more than 40 entries, with winners taking US $ 500.
While the mole has traditionally been eaten by all levels of Mexican society, especially at celebrations, the upper classes have begun to stop preparing and consuming the dish. According to a survey of high-end housewives between 30 and 50 years, 95% never cooked it from scratch. They only eat it at home at the request of their children after hearing it. This is different from their mother and grandmother who are symbolized by mole as Mexicans. This dish is also less visible in traditional celebrations. This may be because those in this society have chosen foreign food. The owner of La California, a mole producer in Guanajuato, says it is harder to market regional moles in Mexico than on the outside. They say that many people in Mexico do not regard it as a gourmet product, or something that can be consumed with wine. In Mexico, high-end preferences are often copied in the lower classes. Some people, like Lula BertrÃÆ'¡n of CÃÆ'rculo Mexicano de Arte Culinario, see this as a warning sign for the dish.
See also
- List of Mexican dishes
- food portals
External links
- El mole en la ruta de los dioses Comprehensive report on the moles of CONACULTA
Source of the article : Wikipedia